Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is known as ADHD and it is one of the kinds of neurodevelopmental disorders. Furthermore, ADHD is a developmental impairment of the brain’s self-management process. It is generally diagnosed in childhood and often lasts into adulthood. Brain imaging, neuroscience and clinical research have concluded different significant things about ADHD. A youngster with ADHD symptoms has trouble with focusing, impulse control and organization; whereas, there are many other ADHD symptoms in an adult’s checklist one should need to consider.
Let’s explore all the signs and symptoms of ADHD.
Can Adults Have ADHD?
If you are an adult and you are facing challenges with restlessness, concentration and impulsivity then you may have ADHD. ADHD adult’s symptoms include persistent issues such as impulsive behavior and hyperactivity. Adult ADHD can lead to low self-esteem and poor performance. You can also learn about the detailed symptoms and signs by discussing them with your healthcare provider.
Who Diagnosis ADHD in Adults?
For ADHD diagnosis in adults, the evaluation should be done by mental health physicians or licensed professionals. These professionals are neurologists, psychiatrists and psychologists. When you choose a professional for an ADHD adult symptoms test, it’s significant to ask about their experience in working with ADHD adults. Professional expertise is necessary for effective diagnosis and accurate treatment plan.
What Are the Signs of ADHD in Adults?
Recognition of ADHD symptoms in adults is important for proper treatment.
Here are the common signs of ADHD in adults:
1. Anxiety and Restlessness
One of the ADHD symptoms in adult’s checklists is restlessness which can lead to anxiety and frustration. As an adult with ADHD, you may feel like your internal organs are not working appropriately.
2. Hyper Focus
People with ADHD can be distracted easily. They may have hyper focus issues that can be a reason to lose track by ignoring things around them.
3. Forgetfulness
Forgetfulness tends to occur more often in ADHD patients. It can affect careers as it is the main ADHD symptom for adults.
4. Time Management
Adults with ADHD feel difficulty managing their time; moreover, they respond late to events and have trouble focusing on the future.
5. Disorganization
One of the signs of ADHD in adults is disorganization because these affected people may find it essential to keep everything in the right place. Furthermore, adults with ADHD have problems with organizational skills that can include issues such as keeping track of tasks.
6. Lack of Motivation
If you have ADHD, you may feel unmotivated for different tasks.
7. Trouble in Listening
If you don’t listen to specifics or it seems inattentive during the conversation, you are one of the ADHD adults. You may also have some nerve weakness as well. That’s why doctors generally suggest herbal medicine for nerve weakness under these conditions.
8. Fatigue
Fatigue is a concern for many adults with ADHD and there can be several other reasons for this as:
- Sleep issues
- Hyperactivity
- Effort to focus
9. Misuse of Substances
The excessive usage of tobacco, alcohol and other drugs can be ADHD symptoms in young adults. The reason is people with ADHD use these kinds of substances for self-medication.
10. Easy Distraction
If you often feel distracted from doing your tasks effectively, it may be a sign that you have ADHD. It can cause serious health concerns when not treated on time.
11. Fidgeting
When you feel difficulty to focus in a meeting, it can be considered as fidgeting. Tapping your feet and biting your nails can also be a sign of fidgeting in adult adults. Neuropathic pain meds can be helpful in treating these kinds of disorders.
12. Difficulty in Engaging in Different Activities
Adults with ADHD may have trouble participating in solo experiences like watching films or reading books without getting distracted.
13. Emotional Concerns
Life with ADHD can seem challenging as you can remain silent and face boredom or mood swings quite often.
14. Negative Self-Imaging
One of the ADHD symptoms in adult’s checklist is negative self-imaging; moreover, ADHD adults are hypercritical of themselves.
15. Depression
Adults with ADHD often feel depressed that leads to serious mental health problems.
What Are the 3 Main Symptoms of ADHD?
Following are the main symptoms of ADHD that one should need to consider:
Inattention is one of the main symptoms of adult ADHD manifested as procrastination. People with inattentive ADHD make mistakes quite often because they have difficulty in organizing activities and tasks. They may not listen when others speak and they often leave their projects unfinished.
Adults with ADHD may have hyperactivity issues. For example, people who talk excessively and face difficulty in engaging with other activities and they keep forgetting things may have ADHD.
Impulsivity in ADHD people can manifest in different ways including:
- Interrupting other
- Conversation
- Acting without consideration
- Being socially inappropriate
How Many Adults Have ADHD in the U.S?
The adult ADHD prevalence rates in the U.S range from 2.5 percent to 4.4 percent. The estimated results for adults with ADHD vary depending on different statistics.
Here are the known estimated percentages of adults with ADHD according to age group:
Ages 35 to 44
Ages 25 to 34
Ages 18 to 24
What Happens to Adults with Undiagnosed ADHD?
Adults with undiagnosed ADHD are not good at caring for themselves and they may suffer from different health issues. You can imagine every bad outcome is more common in ADHD adults. So, adults with ADHD are at higher risk than the general population.
ADHD is a quite common disease than should not be ignored. Getting the proper diagnosis and the right treatment can save adults from ADHD. Thus, life can only be better when the timely diagnosis is made and a person gets appropriate treatment.